Books are my favorite gift to give, and Andy Andrews books have been my most given gift.
I love to read, and I have to tell you about a very good book. It’s called The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews
I read the book in one sitting- It was THAT good. The next day I bought the audio version (book on CD). I have listened to it 17 times in the last 5 years! (I didn’t know that till I started writing this and decided to check… and Yes I DO keep a record of what I read… if you want to know why, then you will have to ask me about it!)
WHY would I listen to the same book 17 times?
3 reasons come to mind:
1. Because it is a GREAT story which is very inspiring and speaks to my heart.
2. The author tells the story in such a way that I can see it happening in my mind.
I actually feel myself being IN the story. That is what I call “visually descriptive”!
3. I feel inspired every time I hear it, and who wouldn’t want a habit of inspiration?!
I have a lot of insiring CD's that I listen to whenever I am driving my car. Can you think of a better way to get where your going? I arrive happy and motivated!
I won’t tell you what The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews is about because I LOVE surprises and want you to feel the same sense of wonder when you read it!
I like every Andy Adrews book I have ever read, but my favorites are
The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews, and The Lost Choice by Andy Andrews.
His latest book The Final Summit is set to be released April 12th 2011 and can’t wait to read it!
If you only read one book this year, I would recommend Andy Andrews.
If you like to read inspiring, thought provoking stories, then you should check out Andy Andrews.